
More than 7,98,439 times Questions Attempted


Students will receive awards depends on their achievement in respected area. This will encourage the students to practice more.
Great Opener


Student who takes more than 3 tests on the day of Sign-up
Sachin Tendulkar


Student who gets Centum in Test


Student who become topper in Biology
Community Helper


Student who reports genuine problem in a Question
Kind Heart


Student who refers Friends
I eat test for lunch


Student who practices tests in afternoon
Ghost Rider


Student who practices tests in Night time
Rookie Rules


New Comer who performs Best
Sir Issac Newton


Student who become topper in Physics
Srinivasa Ramanujan


Student who become topper in Maths
Dennis Ritchie


Student who become topper in Computer Science
Robert Boyle


Student who become topper in Chemistry


Fun way of representing the student's performance. This will make the student to repeat the test again and again until thorough in the study area
Student scored 0%
Student scored below 10%
Student scored below 30%
Student scored below 50%
Student scored below 70%
Student scored below 85%
Student scored above 85%
Student scored above 90%
Student scored 100%